
Honoring Ms. Greene's Legacy

Improving the lives and early educational opportunities for underachieving children. 
Join the Sarah Moore Greene Foundation Board in the celebration and continuation of Ms. Greene’s Legacy.



The daughter of a former slave and a railroad cook, Ms. Greene was born in Madisonville, Tennessee in 1910. Her father, Ike Moore, came to East Tennessee to help build railroads after his emancipation in 1865 in Mt. Sterling, Ky.

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Teaching Years

After graduating from Tennessee A&I in Nashville, for two years she taught 29 students, ranging from first- to eighth-graders in a one room school in Shady Grove in Monroe County, Tennessee.

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Civil Rights Efforts

Ms. Greene participated in the work of churches and organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that were "for the uplifting of our people."

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About the Foundation

In accordance with her directions, representatives of the Sarah Moore Greene Estate established the Sarah Moore Greene Foundation. The purpose of the foundation – to establish an endowment to fulfill the charitable and educational directives of Sarah Moore Greene.

Sarah Moore Greene

“You are part of an extraordinary generation of Americans who changed the course of our Nation’s history and moved our classrooms towards equality.”    

Barack Obama

44th President of the United States of America, 101st Birthday Congratulatory Letter

Our Mission

Fulfill the educational and charitable directives of Sarah Moore Greene – Provide funding and support to improve the lives and early educational opportunities for  underachieving children.

Our Vision

A collaboration of individuals, organizations, corporations, and government whose primary purpose is to develop alliances and initiatives that 1) honor the legacy of Sarah Moore Greene – early years; teaching years; and civil rights efforts and 2) ensure that underachieving children have early and unlimited access to the latest developments in educational technology, programs, initiatives, etc.

Our Partners

Project Grad
Emerald Youth Foundation
Beck Cultural Exchange Center
East Tennessee Foundation
Sarah Moore Greene Magnet Academy
University-Assisted Community Schools